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Welcome to the 2021 MYAA Softball League.

Registration opens every year in early  February and closes in mid- March .

DRAFT PROCESS (14u, 12u, 10u Rec Leagues)
The draft was designed to do the best we can to keep teams balanced.  This eliminates a team coming in with 4 or 5 players that may have higher talent which causes lopsided games.  We strip out the pitchers and catchers and they have their own draft so the teams are balanced.  The draft process has worked great for several years.  That said, no matter what system we use, every year there will be teams that are better and teams that are not.  Remember, the players that are not at the clinic are randomly assigned after the players are drafted.  Therefore, luck of the draw could end building a better team, we do not "stack" teams.  Our intentions are to teach athletes the fundamentals, sports etiquette, build character and have fun!  Throughout their life, they are going to be a part of a team that is not as good and be on teams that are better.  It is our job as parents to help them through it.    

Equipment to purchase by League:

14u and 12u:  Ball glove is mandatory.  Cleats, pants/sliding shorts, face mask and batting gloves are optional.  We play on dirt fields so cleats are most helpful rather than soft soled athletic shoes.  Girls are pretty competitive at this level and will slide during close plays.  Having softball pants/sliding shorts comes in handy. Most girls at this time want to have their own helmet and bat.  Face mask is highly recommended, although we know the older girls prefer not to wear them.

10u:  Ball glove is mandatory.  Cleats, pants/sliding shorts, face mask and batting gloves optional.  We play on dirt fields so cleats are most helpful rather than soft soled athletic shoes.  Girls are learning and encouraged to slide at this level.  Having softball pants/sliding shorts helps with protecting their body. Face mask is another piece of equipment that is highly recommended and helps boost their confidence along with protecting their faces.  Helmet is another good buy.  We have plenty of bats available for the girls to use (they've been updated recently to newer bats) but we know that everyone wants their own bat.  There is a bat buying guideline listed below.  10u is where the game starts to become more friendly competitive.

8u:  Ball glove is mandatory.  Face mask is highly recommended - helps boost their confidence along with protecting their faces.  Cleats are a nice to have, but keep in mind they do help with running around a dirt field.  Shorts or pants - whatever your daughter is comfortable in.  Helmet if you prefer.  We have plenty of newer bats so if you wanted to save a few bucks, use ours!

T-Ball:  Ball glove is mandatory.  Face mask is highly recommended - helps boost their confidence along with protecting their faces.  Cleats are a nice to have, but keep in mind they do help with running around a dirt field.  Shorts or pants - whatever your daughter is comfortable in.  Helmet if you prefer.   We have plenty of newer bats so if you wanted to save a few bucks, use ours!  

If you were looking to purchase a bat, there are quite a few websites that you can view that have recommendations.  

There are many websites out there that you can read up on the different types of bats.  Every manufacturer has their own guide.  One thing to keep in mind is that we should make sure they are ASA (Amateur Softball Association of America) approved - or not blacklisted, since we play with ASA rules with some MYAA modifications).

Suggested site:

      Some highlights:

  • Some bats have a break in period

  • Aluminum or Alloy bats will give off a ping sound on contact.  These bats don't require a break in period, but will break down and can dent.  These are perfectly fine bats to get into, especially as a first time go for more use, such as travel.

  • Composite bats will give off a crack or thud sound on contact.  These bats will range in time it takes to break in and are susceptible to cracking toward the end of their life

  • Hybrid bats offer a light weight composite handle with an alloy barrel which is said to reduce handle vibration.

  • Slapper - left hander ... we recommend you stay away from these 

  • One-piece bats vs two-piece bats.  Once piece bats provide little or no give and have a stiff feel when contact is made.  Preferred by stronger players with above average bat speed (power hitters).  Two piece bats provide more flex at contact with the ball and are the most used bat.

  • Weighted - balanced vs endloaded bats ... recommend you stay away from endloaded bats (more experienced hitter)

  • Bat drop:  the negative number listed on the bat barrel.  Defined as the difference between the length of the bat in inches and weight of the bat in ounces.  So if you had a 30" bat with a -10 length to weight ratio, you have a bat the weighs 20 oz

                                 *** Drop 10  ( -10 on the bat)  is the most common one ***

    Any additional questions on softball, please contact your league commissioners or Rich Mogel.


Director of Softball Operations - Rich Mogel - 814-440-3317 - [email protected]

League Commissioner -  Cassandra Avey - 814-897-5284 - [email protected]
Participation: 4 - 6 Year Olds (Optional for second year 6 Year Olds)
League Concept:
A non-competitive  program with an emphasis on fun and teaching the fundamental skills and rules of baseball.  Coaches are instructed not to keep score.  Basic skills and rules are introduced, although not in great depth but rather in a manner to promote the fun aspects of baseball and to take great steps to insure that the child achieves success on a small scale, whereby skills can gradually be introduced and mastered in future years.  A soft-texture ball is used for safety and players hit off of "tee" for the first half of the season before being introduced to pitches from a coach.  Base running on overthrows is restricted.  All kids play an equal amount of time and players are encouraged to play all positions in the field.  Teams will play 6-inning games twice a week.  The tee-ball league season typically consists of 14-16 games starting mid-May and finishing up mid-July. 

League Commissioner Donnie Hosford - [email protected]
Participation: Ages 5-8 (age as of 12/31)
League Concept:
A non-competitive program in a fun and enjoyable atmosphere with all the emphasis placed on learning and developing the basic skills (throwing, hitting, base running & fielding), teamwork, good sportsmanship and responsibility to the team. Scores are not kept in this division. Girls are placed a couple of different ways from which school they go to special requests (we try to accommodate) for a certain coach.  Once on that team they will stay on it unless they request a change or they move to the next level.  Coaches will pitch to their own team.  Emphasis is on basic fundamentals. All players will bat for the entire game.  There is no stealing, advancement on overthrows or sliding into bases in 8U. All girls will play equal amounts of time at different positions in the infield and outfield every inning.  Coaches will be allowed to be on the field instructing the girls on defensive play during the game. Teams will play typically two games per week.  The league starts games mid-May and finishes up mid-July.

League Commissioner(s) - -Kline Barnhart - 814-602-5986 - [email protected]
Participation: Ages 9 and 10 (age as of 12/31)
League Concept:
This program is designed to increase the development of the player along with providing a little more competitive atmosphere. The emphasis is placed on expanding the basic skills that were started in 8U and will add it sliding, base advancement on overthrows and stealing. Scores will be kept. Coaches will develop pitchers at this level by introducing player pitch along with coach pitch.  All players will bat for the entire game. All girls will play equal amounts of time at different positions in the infield and outfield every inning.  Coaches will be allowed to be on the field instructing the girls on defensive play during the game. Girls are placed a couple of different ways from which school they go to special requests (we try to accommodate) for a certain coach.  Once on that team they will stay on it unless they request a change or they move to the next level. Teams will play typically two games per week.  The league starts games mid-May and finishes up mid-July.

League Commissioner -Wes Wilcox - [email protected]

Participation: Ages 11 and 12 (age as of 12/31)
League Concept:
A competitive program with the emphasis placed on learning and developing the basic skills (throwing, hitting, base running & fielding), teamwork, good sportsmanship and responsibility to the team. All players will be in the batting order.  All girls will play equal amounts in both the infield and outfield based on their ability (safety concerns).  Players moving up to this program are evaluated through a draft that is run at the beginning of the season (normally the first week in May). Once on that team they will stay on it unless they request a change or they move to the next level.  Teams Scores, as well as won/loss records, will determine standings for the playoffs. Teams will play typically two games per week.  The league starts games mid-May and finishes up mid-July.

League Commissioner -TBD
Participation: Ages 13-16 (age as of 12/31)
League Concept:
A competitive program with the emphasis placed on learning and developing basic/advanced skills (throwing, hitting, base running & fielding), teamwork, good sportsmanship and responsibility to the team. Stealing is allowed on all bases on overthrows or at the release of the pitcher.  More emphasis is put on base running and strategy. All players will be placed in the batting line-up.  Players based on their ability will play equal time in the infield/ outfield.  All teams are part of a draft at the beginning of the season normally the first week in May. The draft takes place after the girls go through a tryout which the coaches get to see all aspects of their abilities. If they are a returning player (to Pony) and they want to stay on the same team there is no need for them to tryout, if they want to be on another team they will have to re-enter the draft.  All players will be selected in the draft.  Teams will play typically two games per week.  The league starts games mid-May and finishes up mid-July.



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